
Use localForage in NuxtJS

You might found the module of nuxtjs such as: localforage-module or v-localforage but they are not up-to-date and it’s not working by default by using its module as example in this issue. Oh, and what is localForage here? It’s an offline storage for web, another option over the localStorage but it’s an API that let’s…


Vue ChartJS – Pie/Doughnut – Outlabel

By default, the chartjs, chart type: Pie or Doughnut, we can have label inside or as legend, see at: To have out-label as above image, will need some challenge as specially with vuejs. The issue as stated in VueChartJS#20, I faced that too. Plugin I finally used “chartjs-plugin-piechart-outlabels” plugin and to challenge the issue#20…


Offline Web App (PWA) – Reading

Offline Web App that could come with the server-side, we need to learn some technique. Of course, we can use JS LocalStorage but it’ll not enough or good enough to serve for some complex data/process, we need one that can access faster, thanks to “LocalForage” library that can be used like “Local Storage”. Somehow, I…


VueJS – Implement Oganization Chart with Title

I use this Vue Wrapper: OrgChart JS At first, I could not figure out the chart to display: name + title. Finally I got the point! Here how I go… Install npm install vue-orgchart -S And setting up the style per its website. Implementation export default { components: { VoBasic }, data () { return…