Sharing mobile screen such as via Android Phone, when your phone has a feature called such as “Wireless Projection”, to Windows 10 is very easy without third party app but via Windows Feature himself. Enable Features First on Windows search, search: Projection Settings or open setting and find “Optional Features” to find and add it…
Docker: Move Data Folder Location
On Windows, the docker data is store at user’s AppData location: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Docker\wsl\data\ext4.vhdx It keep growing large so that our drive C: got out of space so fast, so a better solution is to move it to another drive. Two ways that can do that: Re-locate the data location using daemon.json file Export/Unregister to a new…
Use localForage in NuxtJS
You might found the module of nuxtjs such as: localforage-module or v-localforage but they are not up-to-date and it’s not working by default by using its module as example in this issue. Oh, and what is localForage here? It’s an offline storage for web, another option over the localStorage but it’s an API that let’s…
It was since a long story in 2011 by some questions on the net and it keeps seeking from a guy here at Osify. It’s now so excited that I, myself, also using a complete solution for iText with Khmer that can be rendered in any font by specific technique and experience we have so…
Install grpc for correct php version
Install PHP version to your ubuntu In case, you have many version of PHP, you need to check If you see the php version is not correctly set, you need to set the environment to use correctly before follow the official doc of grpc, let’s switch the php version: Install grpc from pecl Thanks to…
Khmer Text on PDF, Works on mPDF
Here, how the story could explain in this result As you see, it’s working! mPDF ( is originally extended from FPDF ( It has some wrapper such as in Laravel and other PHP framework. To make it works, we need to understand how to put the custom font and in mPDF it has a configuration…
Next Army: Pandoc?
Just come across on StackOverflow when trying to look around if any topic related to Khmer Unicode case. I got interesting on this post, technique to convert document with Khmer text to pdf, so likely it can do something more fun with our Khmer language. So, here is using the Pandoc, a universal document converter…
Vue ChartJS – Pie/Doughnut – Outlabel
By default, the chartjs, chart type: Pie or Doughnut, we can have label inside or as legend, see at: To have out-label as above image, will need some challenge as specially with vuejs. The issue as stated in VueChartJS#20, I faced that too. Plugin I finally used “chartjs-plugin-piechart-outlabels” plugin and to challenge the issue#20…
Offline Web App (PWA) – Reading
Offline Web App that could come with the server-side, we need to learn some technique. Of course, we can use JS LocalStorage but it’ll not enough or good enough to serve for some complex data/process, we need one that can access faster, thanks to “LocalForage” library that can be used like “Local Storage”. Somehow, I…
It happens around 5th of February, 2020 until now and I just found out that it also mentioned on another website, zdnet. The solution is: Start Windows PowerShell, Run as Administrator Reinstall and re-register Cortana fixed it. Run the following in an elevated (thanks to commentor dfrazier603) Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers Microsoft.Windows.Cortana | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register…