Access DB VBA

VBA MS Access for 32-bits / 64-bits – PtrSafe declaration

The message is clear: The expression On Load you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: The code in this project​ must be updated for use on 64-bit system. Please review and update Declare statements and then mark them with the PtrSafe attribute. So the issue is linked to declare function or…

Access DB VBA

VBA Converting Khmer Numeric to Ascii for TextBox Number

The error message: The value you entered isn’t valid for this field. For example, you may have entered text in a numeric field or a number that is larger than the FieldSize settings permits. MS Access 2010 Above error is simple for us as our characters are in Unicode and of course, if we check…


Declare and compare a variable with Khmer unicode string in VBA, excel

Khmer unicode character string is different from other unicode character, we can’t write it on VBA editor of Excel or MS Access.