Web design is a difficult work also when we think about to make it compatible with all devices, browsers or OS.
Here is one of a regularly question about “How to remove the dropdown arrow from Select tag” which we could solve it in different way as well.
Firefox, Chrome, Safari:
With CSS3, you can do it with following CSS code:
select { -webkit-appearance:none; -moz-appearance:none; -o-appearance:none; appearance:none; }
IE 10, IE11
From IE10, Microsoft provides a way to do that as following in CSS3:
select::-ms-expand{ display:none; }
There won’t come with a simple CSS solution for IE9
It seems that it’s very difficult to achieve it in IE8 or IE7
Alternative Soltuion
You might try to use a jQuery plugin: Chosen: http://harvesthq.github.io/chosen/ that might solve this issue for us.
2 replies on “How to remove the dropdown arrow from Select Tag in IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari”
It was working for me.
I would suggest mine solution that works also for IE8 and IE9 with a custom arrow that comes from an icon font.
In this GitHub repo (https://github.com/Ferie/Cross-browser_Custom_HTML_Select_Tag_Arrow) you can find a readme with all the instructions and some test examples of it.