Suppose you already know about ionic 2, typescript, nodejs, NPM related or Webpack. I’ll some day back on those topics whenever available, of course, I am also a learner with few tries.
The subject of this guideline will be updated according to my real experiment, this is just a starter:
- 1st of March, 2017: Start init
- 4th of April, 2017: Node module generator
Let’s go to the topic…
You may need to have different projects and one core as a centralize project for most of your common methods.
Here is the normal ionic 2 with typescript project structure:
As in above, we need to have our own core-common project which is a npm module by theory and then in another project we need to include that module as dependency and of course, it’s a private dependency so the we may need to add as following way (via this ref):
{ "name": "my-app", "dependencies": { "my-core-module": "file:local_modules/my-core-module", } }
And to create the npm module, I suggest to go through with the Yeoman Generator, es6-npm-module.
npm install -g yo generator-es6-npm-module mkdir my-core-module && cd my-core-module yo es6-npm-module
If using above generator, we need to add our own tsconfig.json and other typescript file to manage.
I found one generator is easy to use: Node-Typescript
npm install -g generator-node-typescript mkdir my-new-project && cd my-new-project yo node-typescript
I’ll let you know how my journey is.