Report designer mostly said it’s depended on the way you design the report, of course, it does but for some new or even some years report designers still need example, tips to help too. Here, I take this kind of issue/solution that finally I could make it: “printing a signature footnote to the last table…
Tag: iReport
To have total pages, you can do two options: On view using $V{PAGE_NUMER} flexible using evaluation time: current page with “Now”, total page with “Report” Create a variable for total page Name: TOTAL_PAGES (or any other) Variable class: Integer Calculation: highest Reset type: report Increment type: page Variable expression: ${PAGE_NUMBER} Then you can use on…
Thanks for another question on StackOverflow and the answer of user dada67, told us that Jasper added Khmer Unicode supports since version 6.2. I tested now on JasperReport 6.3 library with its existing sample in folder: jasperreports-6.3.0\demo\samples\unicode And now I could see it’s working good enough for Khmer rendering, just still one issue: When we…
You have a main report and you want to print a last page from a subreport you created. Here is my solution that works for me. On the main report’s properties, ticked following attributes: Summary on a new page Summary with Page Header and Footer (If you want to print) And then, on your main…