Khmer Unicode

How to Convert MS Word with Limon Font to Khmer Unicode

First of all, we don’t have a concrete tool to convert directly the MS Word with Limon font to Unicode directly. The current tool published by KhmerOS is available for text file or Openoffice file only. So here is my instruction to make it: 1. Convert the Limon MS Word to OpenOffice Format Install OpenOffice:…


How to Embed Khmer Unicode to AppYet Mobile App is a good template app for creating Android app based on your website contents but it faces difficulty to make Khmer Unicode readable after build on some phone. By default AppYet App using browser feature which is able to view Khmer only for rooted device that have placed well the Khmer font (as my…


Create Openoffice document with template in Java Solution

POI is not supported well to create open office document (calc, spreadsheet), it’s working fine for MS Excel (only). I would clarify my point with POI, it’s not working to set Khmer Unicode font to Openoffice document that could block us to use it well in JODConverter. So another solution should be applied for manipulate…


iText supports Khmer Unicode issue

About Last iText opensource license is in version 4.2.0 5.5.1 which is until now we can not find the way to make it work with Khmer Unicode yet. After the free version, iText now goes to commercial and I don’t find any test with Khmer Unicode with it yet as well. So iText is not…


Declare and compare a variable with Khmer unicode string in VBA, excel

Khmer unicode character string is different from other unicode character, we can’t write it on VBA editor of Excel or MS Access.