Drupal PHP

Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded [Drupal]

The error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded When you execute some PHP script that spends longer time than the configuration of php.ini (which is sometimes is 30 or 60 seconds). With drupal, you might need much in your local development so let’s change in php.ini at: xampp\php\php.ini variable: max_execution_time To value (zero, no…


Eclipse Kelper – Be careful with trailing space remove automatically

On my Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers. Version: Kepler Service Release 1 Build id: 20130919-0819 When open existing file on my project, all of the trailing spaces are removed that make me difficult to synchronize with other users on the old projects. The issue because of AnyEdit Tools in Preferences > Editors So…

Apache Tomcat

Deploy Application via Apache Tomcat Context

Apache Tomcat is a Java web application server that provides possibility to deploy your Servlet application. There are two ways to configure your different web application to deploy in tomcat: server.xml via Context file Most of the case, it’s discouraged to configure the deployment on server.xml so here I propose for deploying application using context…


How to Embed Khmer Unicode to AppYet Mobile App is a good template app for creating Android app based on your website contents but it faces difficulty to make Khmer Unicode readable after build on some phone. By default AppYet App using browser feature which is able to view Khmer only for rooted device that have placed well the Khmer font (as my…


Create Openoffice document with template in Java Solution

POI is not supported well to create open office document (calc, spreadsheet), it’s working fine for MS Excel (only). I would clarify my point with POI, it’s not working to set Khmer Unicode font to Openoffice document that could block us to use it well in JODConverter. So another solution should be applied for manipulate…


Using libsvm with Java, Compiling, Training, Predicting – Test

I try to understand and learn to use libsvm to training, classify and recognize thing but first time, it’s hard to understand it without reading well about SVM. Then I face again the issue understanding the libsvm that I’m going to use, here the way I go: I choose Java to use with libsvm so…


When do we use maven-compiler-plugin ?

Overview The Compiler Plugin is used to compile the sources of your project. Setup Place following the maven pom structure, please add following lines to plugins block: <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.0</version> <configuration> <source>1.6</source> <target>1.6</target> <encoding>UTF-8</encoding> </configuration> </plugin> The version, you need to define according to the maven2 version you installed. All versions, you can find…


iText supports Khmer Unicode issue

About Last iText opensource license is in version 4.2.0 5.5.1 which is until now we can not find the way to make it work with Khmer Unicode yet. After the free version, iText now goes to commercial and I don’t find any test with Khmer Unicode with it yet as well. So iText is not…


How to find maven repository?

Where can we search for right maven repository?


Important Java Basic Code Conventions for Readable Code

Here I would like to give some basic code conventions in Java that mostly we need in our daily programming life: Indentation Use 4 spaces for indentation. No tabs! If you are using Eclipse, you can configure this at With Eclipse 3.7: Window->Preferences->Java->Code Style->Formatter Edit on one selected convention, example: Java Conventions [built-in] and go…